Magic Link Authentication
Instead of using your password, you can use a Magic Link to authenticate yourself against the management console. It provides a quick and secure access to your account without the hassle of remembering your password.
The magic link is a unique link sent directly to your email inbox with allows to authenticate you once. It becomes invalid automatically once you are logged into your account.
Authenticaticate Yourself via Magic Link
- Go to
- Enter your e-mail address in the form and click on “SEND ME A MAGIC LINK”.
- You'll see a green notification: “We've just sent your Magic link to Please check your email.”:
- A magic link will be sent to your email inbox. Check your email inbox for a mail with the following subject: Log in to Nuwber.
- Click on the link to log in to Nuwber:
- You will be redirected to Nuwber home page.